Sometimes injury cause to shoulder can be easily eliminated by simple home remedies or medicines. But if any alternative method does not support you alternatively then orthopaedic doctor consult a shoulder surgery to you. Basically there is shoulder arthroscopy which doctor mostly recommend because there is less bleeding in this surgery. Also there are less scars and of course less complications and risk in this type of surgery. But there are many patients that does not follow the guidance that orthopaedic specialist suggest to them. This may lead to late recovery. Thus, if you to get proper and fast healing you have follow every suggestion and precaution after shoulder surgery that doctor tells you. Eat proper food.You can consider for doctor also for how we make our bones healthy.
Dr. Kunal Patel is famous orthopaedic specialist in Mumbai. He is expert in shoulder, knee and hip surgery. According to his experience in this orthopaedic field. They suggest some precautions after shoulder surgery or shoulder arthroscopic surgery. Some of these precautions are:
- Do not move your repaired arm away from body or over head.
- While sleeping, raise your upper body up on pillows. Do not lie flat.
- Don’t lift or handle anything from operated arm
- Your arm should bend at 90 degree of angle at your elbow.
- Use sling. The sling should support your wrist and hand so that they do not extend past the sling.
- Take medicine to control your pain.
- Eat suitable vegetables and fruits recommended by doctor.
- Focus on food containing fiber.
- Ignore food that causes constipation because it can increase your incision pain.
- Focus on lean protein.
- Eat whole grains instead of refined grains.
- Take dairy products after surgery.
If you follow all above precautions recommended by orthopaedic specialist then your short your recovery time. Dr. Patel guides and treats you best. You can book your appointment with him online on website or you can call him.
For consultancy and other query:
Call@+91-(22)-2805 3021
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