Fix your posture and reduce the risk of back ache- Dr. Kunal
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Fix your posture and reduce the risk of back ache

Fix your posture and reduce the risk of back ache

Most of us face back pain at some point in our lives. Back pain may be due to an accident, sports related injury and a congenital condition. But most of the time, lower or upper back pain grows during the course of daily life. you can control it to Fix your posture and reduce the risk of back ache.

Repetitive activities at home or work, like sitting in front of computer, carrying and lifting activities, sometime leads to bring tension and tightness in muscle that results in Back pain.

There is a lot we can do to prohibit this sort of problem. Generally healthy weight and physical fitness is important. But one simple method goes a long way: settle attention to your posture like  you can control it to Fix your posture and reduce the risk of back ache.

Posture is the way you hold your body during performing tasks like standing, sitting, bending and lifting. If the position of your body, during the task is good, then the bones of the spine – the vertebrae are correctly aligned.

In this article we give few easy exercises which are helpful for you to improve body posture and head off back pain:

  • Shoulder blade squeeze: This exercise is simple. Firstly sit up straight on a chair. Then put your hands resting on your thighs. Keep your chin level and shoulders down. Now slowly restraint your shoulder blades together and draw your shoulder back. Relax and repeat this three or four time.

•	Shoulder blade squeeze

  • Upper body stretch: In this exercise first of all stand facing a corner and then raised your arms. Remember that elbows at shoulder height and hands flat against the wall. Put one foot ahead of the other. Bending your knee forward, breathe as you lean your body toward the corner. Keep your chest, back straight and head up. Hold this position for 15 to 30 mints. You feel relaxed.

Upper body stretch

  • Arm across the chest stretch: in this method raise your right hand to shoulder level and bend the hand at the elbow. Keeping the radius parallel to the floor. Now with your left hand grasp the right hand elbow and pull it gently across your chest. When you are doing this exercise you feel a stretch in your shoulder and upper arm on the right side. Hold for 15 second; then relax both hands. And repeat the other side.

Arm across the chest stretch

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                                                    Fix your posture and reduce the risk of back ache

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